Our Cases


March 5, 2024

Interim Corporate Development Function

Acquisition client faced unique challenge of having to replace long-time M&A lead while in the middle of several active deals and large pipeline.

We partnered with an acquisition client who faced the unique challenge of replacing an in-house M&A lead while in the middle of several active deals and managing a large pipeline. The organization brought us in as a temporary solution to assist with one large transaction that was in the early stages of development. JTI performed initial diligence, negotiated an LOI, and led the execution of a
transformational acquisition that closed roughly nine months after engagement.

JTI also managed the pipeline and closed one additional add-on acquisition during the engagement period. We also had two additional transactions under LOI when the engagement ended. Meanwhile, JTI helped onboard and transition to the new in-house M&A lead. The total engagement period for this client was 10 months.

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