Our Cases

We Partner With Private Equity Portfolio Companies To Execute Add-On Acquisitions.

Case Study #1

Engaged at the Beginning of Hold Period

Shortly after the sponsor’s investment in a new platform, JTI was engaged when the client had its first add-on acquisition under LOI. We assisted with the execution of the first acquisition and then led efforts to build an M&A pipeline and execute a roll-up strategy. Since then, the client has closed nine acquisitions in less than four years. The client also has additional acquisitions under LOI and several more targets in active discussions that we expect to close as the sponsor nears the end of its hold period.

These closed acquisitions have added over $25 million of EBITDA to the platform.

Case Study #2

Engaged at End of Hold Period

This client’s sponsor was nearing the end of its hold period but wanted to complete additional acquisitions before exiting to maximize returns. JTI was asked to step in and execute two already-engaged transactions and quickly identify and reach out to priority targets. During the 18-month engagement, we completed five acquisitions, and the sponsor exited the deal approximately 15 months into the engagement.

JTI stayed engaged with the client through the transition to new ownership and completed the final acquisition under new ownership. The acquisitions we completed for the client increased their EBITDA by over $10 million and created over $50 million in incremental equity value for the sponsor and management team.

Case Study #3

Interim Corporate Development Function

We partnered with an acquisition client who faced the unique challenge of replacing an in-house M&A lead while in the middle of several active deals and managing a large pipeline. The organization brought us in as a temporary solution to assist with one large transaction that was in the early stages of development. JTI performed initial diligence, negotiated an LOI, and led the execution of a transformational acquisition that closed roughly nine months after engagement.

JTI also managed the pipeline and closed one additional add-on acquisition during the engagement period. We also had two additional transactions under LOI when the engagement ended. Meanwhile, JTI helped onboard and transition to the new in-house M&A lead. The total engagement period for this client was 10 months.

Case Study #4

Engaged Near Beginning of Hold Period

This particular client closed its first add-on acquisition using internal resources from the client and a private equity sponsor. The PE sponsor quickly realized that the first acquisition was inefficient and created too many distractions for company management and the PE investment professionals. As a result, JTI was brought in to execute a roll-up strategy.

JTI has closed 10 acquisitions for this client in the first two years of engagement, with several other acquisitions under LOI. We actively manage outreach to prospective targets and all aspects of transaction execution while also assisting the internal integration manager with post-close items. These successful acquisitions have allowed the client to move from a regional company in the southwest to a national platform through significant acquisitions in Texas, Florida, and New York. In turn, the sponsor has deployed almost $200 million of capital through 10 acquisitions and added nearly $30 million of EBITDA to the platform.

Your Pathway to Driving Your Acquisitions Forward

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