Our Services

What Makes Us Unique

A Logical Extension of Your M&A Growth Strategy

Private equity firms like yours enter into groundbreaking deals running into the trillions every day. What often separates successful transactions from those that fail time and again is a team of executives with a proven M&A partner looking out for their best interests behind the scenes. JTI Capital Advisors is an expert at facilitating your deal-making process from start to finish and guiding you through what can feel like an endless list of transformative, multifaceted corporate decisions. We know how vital each deal is to you; we meet you where you are on that journey, identify suitable targets, and provide a clear understanding of the road ahead so you can accelerate meaningful growth at every level.


Services We Offer


Deployed Over $750 Million in Capital Across 50+ Acquisitions

Average Acquisition Size - $16.7 million purchase price

Our experience allows us to tackle acquisitions of any size and scope, including smaller, unbanked deals.

Average Acquisition Count Per Client — 5

While we can step in on a short-term engagement basis, we enjoy building for the long term.

Years of Experience — 17

We are a proven commodity. JTI is committed to helping you build sustainable value.

Diverse B2B Client List

We are industry-agnostic and have worked with clients across a variety of sectors.

0 + Acquisitions

Projects Completed

We Meet You Where You Are

Your Pathway to Driving Your Acquisitions Forward

Schedule a free consultation

We learn about your organization, where you stand with existing processes, and uncover your immediate and long-term goals.

Offer tailored solutions that matter

Whether you need us for a short engagement or five years, we show you how our expertise can help you fulfill your vision.

Experience results on a whole new level

Spend your time doing what you do best while we seamlessly execute your M&A goals today, tomorrow, and for years to come.